Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Blinde Assotiation Christmas Party

I was officially given the reins of the Blind Association at the Christmas party this weekend. (taking a deep breath) My Portuguese is coming along, but my Umbundo is not. I can get by this way, but I am starting now to tackle the local dialect of Umbundo.
Anyway, every year, the Blind Association finds donations to be able to give 100 families a big sac full of food to cook. We give the staple food: corn flour, plus rice, beans, oil, sugar, baking soda, noodles, sausage, and margarine. Then we give a Christmas party, which is like a church service and worship together. These Angolans love to sing. Then we hand out the bags as they leave.
This is Geisa and me getting the bags ready the give out
I'm not sure why, but it turned out to just be us distributing all the food into the bags.

This young man read the Christmas Story with Brail
Giving the bags out

Remember the blind brothers?

The governor's wife really came through for this family. The brother who was wasting away, is now gaining weight, and walking and talking. We were very encouraged at our last visit. She gave him a bed, and boxes and boxes of food.

Here is a picture of Geisa giving him a radio for Christmas.

That's the other brother on the right with all the cousins

Just love this picture

Well, thanks for reading again, as always I love hearing from you.
Have a Merry Christmas!
With Love From Angola,

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